
Your Friendly Neighborhood Web Dev

Hi! I'm George, a Full Stack Developer.

Sometimes, you just need to see it.

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Comes Great Responsibility

With Great Power

About Me
I am a self-taught developer currently pursuing my 3rd year of B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering. Specializes in web and mobile app development. Passionate about seamless digital experiences and front-end trends. Experienced in responsive websites and quick adaptation to project needs. Ready to collaborate and bring ideas to life!
Tech Stack
    Markup and styling languages
  • JavaScript
    Programming language
  • TypeScript
    Typed superset of JavaScript
  • React
    JavaScript library for building user interfaces
  • React Native
    Framework for building native apps
  • Next.js
    React framework for server-side rendering
  • TailwindCSS
    Utility-first CSS framework
  • MongoDB
    NoSQL database
  • Firebase
    Platform for building mobile and web applications
  • Node.js
    JavaScript runtime environment
  • Express.js
    Web application framework for Node.js
  • Android
    Mobile operating system

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A small selection of my Recent Projects
Machan Script

MachanScript is a adipoli 😎 programming language written in Javascript.

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A dating app for college students.

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Online Wardrobe App

It's an online wardrobe platform where users upload clothing images with background removal. They can organize their wardrobe and receive personalized outfit suggestions based on their style preferences, streamlining decision-making

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To-Do App (Local Storage)

This To-Do app simplifies task management with a modern, user-friendly interface. Users can add, modify, delete, and filter tasks based on completion status across desktop and mobile browsers.

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My Work Experience